Back Squat, Clapping Push-ups and KB Swings

5 min farmer's walk (40#/45#)
3 max time handstands


Back Squat 5x5 w/ 60 secs rest between sets

309# (62% of max)

3 rounds of max rep clapping push-ups
30 45# KB swings


Alphabet Leg Raises
2 min plank hold

Workout was humbling. It doesn't look intimidating on paper, but after a few laps of the farmer's walk my forearms were burning. Additionally, I didn't feel very strong in the handstand holds.

The back squats were too bad given that it's one of my two strongest movements (in addition to the dead lift) and we were were only lifting at 60% of max. I could definitely feel a twinge of pain in the posterior left knee (the surgically reconstructed one) in full squat depth. Thus, I concentrated on: 1) ensuring that I had good alignment of my knees in the plane above my toes and, 2) that I was not compensating my pushing more with my right leg. I also tried to get full-depth such that my hamstring touched my calves at the bottom of the squat.

The squats were followed by the push-up/KB swing WOD. I struggled with the KB swings after the first round as my back began to tighten up. The last round I could only do sets of 5 likely indicating that form needs to improve, core strength needs to improve or both.

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